A quick memory question:
Does a signed byte, word or quad use more memory than an unsigned one? I understand that a byte is 8 bits, word 16, quad 32, but is a signed byte still 8 bits or is it 9? If it is 9, given that you cannot set bit accurate pointers, I would have to give up the next 7 bits (big deal) and set the next value at the next complete byte, correct?
Such as:
sbyte[Ptr] = 26;
sbyte[Ptr+2] = 13;
Or can I do
sbyte[Ptr] = 26;
sbyte[Ptr+1] = 13;
without overwriting a portion of the first value?
Square's making money.
We're making art.
Posted on 2000-12-17 21:49:29
A byte, signed or otherwise, still only occupies 8-bits of memory. And it still has a range of 256 possible combinations. The range is just offset for signed vs unsigned. Signed = -128 to 127 while Unsigned = 0 to 255
Words and Quads follow suit.
Praetor - Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.
Posted on 2000-12-17 22:31:38