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i've been having trouble with calling stuff from the{like startup()} and calling variables.

Posted on 2000-12-26 16:12:26





this has been another BBS

Charlie, alfa, tango, this is roger 6845632, beta alfa, woah , we have a double bogey on our tail, it is a MOUNTAIN DEW CLASS destroyer!

Posted on 2000-12-26 17:59:28


Well, first off, you don't "call" variables. Think of them as a box where you store something.

int a; // a place to store a number, called 'a'

a=5; // stuff 5 into 'a'

As for functions, are you remembering the semicolon at the end?

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2000-12-26 20:25:18


alright i'll try,
this is my;

int home;int world;int town;int x; int y;\\it tells me \\double something
town =
home = \\I don't understand this part really
world =
void Startup()
PaletteMorph(0,0,0,0, 63);
SetPlayer(EntitySpawn(8,10, "Chrono2.chr"));
void teleport(string map, int x, int y)
map("map");\\here it says it doesn't reconize this
SetPlayer (EntitySpawn(x,y,"Chrono2.chr") );
void name()
#include "" \\is this how you would call a program from another vc file?
i hope you can help me.

Posted on 2001-01-02 16:18:47

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