Can make MMORPG with Verge?
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With verge can you add your own scripts? And what language are they? C++? Could you make a MMORPG? Sorry for all questions, just wanna know if verge is right for me.

Please respond =]

Posted on 2003-12-16 19:47:03


Verge has no networking stuff, even if you could code an entire MMOG in VC.

By the way, everybody wants to make one, but MMORPGs are harder to code than EVERYTHING. Give up, you don't have enough experience yet. (I'm not trying to be insulting; it's more or less fact)

<aen> You never know with zero. One moment he'll be in a tirade over why you should lace your shoes overhand, and the next he'll be shoving starbust up his nose with an ice pick to more quickly administer the sugar to his brain.

Posted on 2003-12-17 10:39:42


If he wants to make an "MMORPG", he could always use BYOND.

Someone made a Dragon Warrior Online using this, and it's pretty amazing, although it has NES graphics :P But this is probably the easiest way for newbies to make simple MMORPGs(Don't know if you can consider these to be massively multiplayer though, but it may be possible).

Out of clutter, find simplicity. -Einstein

Posted on 2003-12-17 15:44:46

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