Changable Names
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Is it possible to do changable names with Verge 2?
(ex. If the hero's name is ROGER, but at the beginning of the game you get the option to change his name to whatever you want.)

Posted on 2000-12-19 14:59:50



--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2000-12-19 16:30:04


I went to TvS, and i found a game that asked that... hmm, i forgot the name though.. it is a tech demo, umm. it was a rather small demo, with one map, and a mini map... go to TvS and look for it..

Who loves mountain dew? I love mountain dew, is it true?? UMM HUMMM, i do i do i do-ooooo!

Posted on 2000-12-19 20:38:02



Yeah, I understand the likes of Quantum Physics and Molecular Theory. What's the point? I just need you to tie my shoes.

Posted on 2000-12-20 15:40:47


Thanks to all who have replied to this post!


Posted on 2000-12-21 19:18:22

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