CHR Artist
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The lack of CHR artists on the VERGE scene is beginning to piss me off. If ANYONE can make nice CT/FF (or any style) characters, please E-mail me at-


Posted on 2001-07-15 17:16:43


Well maybe if you weren't so demanding someone would actually help you. If the lack of CHR artists pisses you off so much, why not try making them yourself?


Out of clutter, find simplicity. -Einstein

Posted on 2001-07-15 21:49:25


No text, I said!

Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be, will be.-Doris Day, "The Man Who Knew Too Much" Only from trial and error can perfection be achieved.

Posted on 2001-07-15 23:16:07


Or show that you seem to have some skills. Maybe if tell people about your game, someone might get interested. Don't just pop in complaining about how noone wants to help.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-07-15 23:53:19


Indeed. If you're not able to find someone who can provide you thier skills, you might as well develop your own.

Hell, I'm not a pro but at least I can produce some decent characters because I made the effort. It just takes time. A day, a week, a month can make the difference.

Posted on 2001-07-16 02:56:08


I tried that one to, but most people think you're too lazy to make chrs. I think making chrs is the most boring part of the game, but it has to be done.

I usually download an already excisting chr, like galuf ff5, and then modify it. It's the fastest way. Making monsters is harder...

Posted on 2001-07-19 15:40:29

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