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I need a program that will let me make a "chr" file. I got the ones that will let me make all the other needed files but not the one that I need! I need some help! I know that this is a completely crappy request but that's my problem. Thanks!

Posted on 2001-10-23 23:09:07


Depending on your version of VERGE, it's either chrmak.exe or chrmak16.exe. It comes included with every version of VERGE that I'm aware of. The chrmaks take two files which you have to provide them, an image file, either PCX for CHRMAK or BMP (24bit) for CHRMAK16, and a MAK file which tells them how to assemble the contents of the image file into a CHR. There should be an example image and MAK file included. If you don't have either (or any) of those files, just download a new copy of VERGE.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-10-24 05:25:22


I think he might mean one that can make chrs in some sort of GUI, rather than having to draw stuff in Paint (or whatever) and then create a MAK file, in which case, look around for V2CHR.EXE. It won't let you do 24bit pictures (256 colour only, since it was made a while ago) but it's really easy to use.

-- Interference "Today is the dawn of a new error"

Posted on 2001-10-28 07:19:36

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