.dat loaders in v2k+j revisited.
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I finally got my item system re-built (can't wait for objects/multi-dim arrays (I know, but blah[valuesperdim*dimnumber+offset] is not the same)) and so decided to try v2k+j again.
I copied the .exes into my working folder and compiled, then took a coffee break, being done. Pi cubed cubed thanks (about 29,809) to be divided amongst the dev team, for the great backwards compatability.
I never figured out why the other .dat was acting up, but all my loaders work perfectly, and fseekline seems fine.

My question now is: does the player go kind of slow? Maybe it's my code/.chr but I can't seem to change the actual speed, even when entity.speed[player] is changed. What are valid speeds?

(aka: ¶, the coder formerly known as Prince Paul)

Posted on 2000-11-29 23:52:21


My speeds work fine in v2k+j.
What I still have trouble is the fseekline thing.
Plus, all my sounds play at half speed. You know, all the little annoying things that make you want to stay with plain old v2. :)

Posted on 2000-11-30 02:56:39

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