DirectX in .NET
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I'm currently in the process of porting DirectX 8.1 to .NET by building a Managed C++ wrapper library. I'm only a few days into the project, so I don't have much done. But, what I have done I've tested and it seems to work very well. I plan to port the DirectDraw/3D library first, and then DirectMusic and DirectSound after that. Whether I'll do anything beyond that remains to be seen. My goal is to make DirectX friendly to .NET languages and improve the usability of the library where appropriate (for instance, using property getter methods instead of the assnine GetXXX(&SomePropertyStructure) methods, and throwing exceptions instead of returning error codes, etc.), while sacrificing as little functionality and speed as possible. Anyway, with all the functions there are in Direct3D alone, I was wondering if someone would be willing to help me. Someone who knows C++ relatively well and has some expereince with .NET would be preferable. Even someone who would just be willing to document the library would be great though. If you're interested, let me know. You can email me at

Posted on 2002-03-26 13:12:24


"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2002-03-27 08:19:03


Call me sentimental, but I'd still rather use DirectX. Partially because I already know it well, and I want to port my existing DirectX games to .NET.

Posted on 2002-03-27 09:57:47


It's announced in MSDN,
So just wait for a while.....

Posted on 2002-04-01 18:13:08

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