Diver Down official bug report thread
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Please report all bugs you find to me here. Make sure to tell me what OS you are using and please be as accurate as possible. I'll try and address all concerns.

Posted on 2003-11-01 23:05:28


Right after starting a new game, if you press the space bar to open a menu before talking starts, crashing is imminent.

I'm using the poroto-winv2 version though... so it could just be instability.

I am the dark wielder of Occam's Nodachi.... and I have come for your plans!

Posted on 2003-11-03 00:39:06


ya that version incorrectly lets you use controls while in loops that you shouldn't. that should be used.

Posted on 2003-11-03 00:48:41


Here are some more bugs I found in the game:

At the beginning of Act 4, if you take a hot meal, the characters say the same things as they did when Jea left the party in Act 3. Only this time Kraken leaves as Jea. :0

I'm not sure if this goes for all caves and such, but when I entered the secret passage to the castle and didn't have a torch, I could still light the place by closing the inventory and re-opening the menuscreen. Of course it complained after every battle that I couldn't see, until I finally got a torch in Act 4 and used it. :)

When you go to meet the mother by boat and you don't have a torch, the event with the two wolves will take place in complete darkness...

When you enter the king's room in Act 3, you have to enter from the second tile on the left (as the door is 4 tiles wide if I remember correctly), otherwise Drek will get stuck either to the plant or the bed when the automove begins.

The character status screen (where all the characters are displayed) gets messy if you get vigor or spirit over 99.

Posted on 2003-11-11 11:39:07


wow, i gotta check those out. If you have any of those savegames right before any of those events, can you send them to me? In fact, if you have any savegames from anywhere closer than the first Act, can you send them my way? these are the gameX.dds files.


Thanks for the testing :)

Posted on 2003-11-12 02:09:23


except the stat thing. You're not really supposed to get them that high. I'll leave it as a reward for players breaking the game by leveling too much :).

I wanted to included an item to escape battles automatically, but it got cut cause I didn't have the time.

Posted on 2003-11-12 18:36:23

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