Diver Down winV2 fix EXEs
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oook well, that didnt take as long as I thought, but unfortunately it didn't go as well as I'd hoped either.

The renderdest thrash crash is caused by opening the menu again while its already open. When the top menu was closed, it would free the graphics layers, which the previous menu would then resume trying to draw on. This would be very easy to fix in VC, but it would require adding a global flag which would also unfortunately invalidate present savegames, so I'm providing an EXE fix for it.

The problem with entities getting stuck in the castle is a larger problem. The short version is that DD is simply not very tolerant of low framerates. Its unnoticable most of the time, but when I turn on 2xSAI (to intentionally lower my framerate a lot), its pretty obvious that much of gren's code is framerate dependant. When a PartyMove is active, the engine is in control and it makes sure the timer stuff is taken care of properly. But when its only EntityMove's going on, gren does a simple ProcessEntities/Render combo meaning one entity tick per frame. In this particular castle scene, if the entities take too long to reach their final destination, they are issued new entitymove commands before they get to where it expects them to be, and so they never reach the destination that the game is waiting for them to reach before continuing.

Well, so I was hoping I could change ProcessEntities() to do the timer thinking for him, and it works, except it unfortunately means that entities will 'skip' during pauses.

Sooooo. Ultimately I'll have to work with gren to get these fixed more properly. But I know a lot of you want to play the game on your thanksgiving break, so here are two EXEs to fix things for now.

IF the only DD problem you have is the renderdest crash thing, then you should get http://vecna.verge-rpg.com/winv2_a.exe

IF you also have problems with entities getting stuck in the castle, you should get http://vecna.verge-rpg.com/winv2_b.exe which will force the entities to think at the proper rate, but will have the side effect of them skipping a bit.

I should note that 2xSAI _does_ work as far as I can tell, but I dont recomment you use it. It is slow, and slow framerates does seem to cause problems in DD. If you're using 2xsai and getting the entity bug, turning it off may solve it for you without needing to use the _b exe. Additionally, there is a short sequence where the game switches to 640x480 mode. 640x480 in 2xsai is 1280x960 which will be REALLY slow. ^_^ so. uh yeah.

Hopefully that helps. Be sure to post any other problems you guys find so gren and I can continue to fix them!


Posted on 2003-11-27 13:05:51

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