DJ Shot's Battle system out!!
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Go to the Verge Source and get it, and tell me what you think.

Also I'm going to make a Shining Force Battle type system. It will be very professinal too. I need your comments and suggesttions. It will be of great quility!

Reply and tell what you think. Thanks - DJ Shot

Posted on 2000-12-20 19:42:28


Everything looks great, BUT, the menu seems to have a few problems, i cannot get out of the thing when I hit space... I tried, ESC, alt, CTRL, everything i could think of.. so i had to use CTRL, ALT, DEL to get out of the game.

Just do it... DO the DEW,, come on give me more MOUNTAIN DEW.

Posted on 2000-12-21 01:43:29


Yeah, you need to hit esc to get out.
if you hit space twice then you need to hit
esc twice to get out. Kinda of goofy I'm going to fix it. 8)

Posted on 2000-12-21 04:55:22

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