Does 32 x 32 tile work?
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I was trying to get a 32x32 tile in the V27 maped, but many of the functions that I think should resize the tiles don't work. Importing images with 32 x 32 tiles crashes maped. Does anyone know if or how I can get 32 x 32 tiles?

Posted on 2001-08-12 21:19:47


There appears to be some sort of bug in winmaped's PNG importer. When there's a fix, you'll be able to get it on this here site. :)

In the meantime, you can try and hack it by resizing the image. (don't scale it, just add blank space around it)

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-08-12 23:43:32


It seems to work if you don't use either "append to existing tileset" or "use 1 pixel padding". If either option is on, maped will crash.

I hope this will help with the massive debugging.

If you help me, thank you for your help. If you read my posts, thanks for taking the time to do so. If you did not even read the post than how the heck did you see this?

Posted on 2001-08-13 08:57:57

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