Does "Avernon" sound familiar?
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I had an idea for a game involving a floating fortress called Avernon, but the name Avernon sounds SOOOOO familiar to me, I'm sure I've seen/heard it somewhere! But I don't know where!

Can anyone help me out with this? I don't want to use it if it is already a copyright, but I don't know for sure.


Posted on 2001-01-28 16:22:12


Warcraft 2. i think it's from. or it sounds like some jap anime. oh well.

Posted on 2001-01-28 19:04:44


You're probably thinking of 'Avalon', King Arthur's castle.

Posted on 2001-01-28 19:55:59



--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-01-29 02:23:59


Prolly defunct now, tho'

- The ever-hidden GMW-

Posted on 2001-01-31 19:54:45

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