downloads... where?
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where are all of the verge down loads,, yo know when you click on the link on the side of the page and then oi am resented with a screen that saus description, and stuff, but none are there... why aren't any of them full of games?? there is no games, battlesystems, or anything just the engine files???

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian tralu people i do not like... anyone who does not like chocolate

Posted on 2000-11-11 13:01:16


As the most recent news update states, we're still in the process of adding most files and content to the website. I would expect most files to be added by the end of the weekend.


Posted on 2000-11-11 16:54:43


ok ok so what there has to be text,, why did you tread??

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian tralu the gerf people i do not like... anyone who does not like chocolate

Posted on 2000-11-11 16:59:56

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