So far I'v only been able to play a couple of games and tech demo's. I keep getting this error:
Stub exec failed:
No such file or directory
So I copied dos4gw.exe into the same folder, but now I get this happy error:
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
DOS/4GW fatal error (1004): syntax is DOS4GW
Do I have a defective program? Is thier another file I'm missing? Where can I get one that works? How much can I sell my soul for? 10,000K?
Posted on 2002-09-02 21:26:39
Hokay, here goes.
A number of V2 games require you to have the DOS4GW.EXE file. However, DOS4GW.EXE has a specific requirement for being run. Basically, what you need to do in this case is open the Start menu for Windows, go to Run, and in the command prompt, type the correct file path to the folder, (I.E. "C:\verge\Zeux\", for example, being the Zeux folder in the verge folder on the C drive...) and then "DOS4GW.EXE", a space, and the file name, usually "MAIN.EXE" or "VERGE.EXE".
So the complete command prompt would be something like "C:\verge\Zeux\DOS4GW.EXE VERGE.EXE".
For those of you who like to click a file and run the puppy, you can usually edit the .EXE file to do this automatically. Right click DOS4GW.EXE, select Properties, and go to the Program tab. There should be a field titled Cmd line, with a file path and DOS4GW.EXE right on it. Just add the file name to that line, and you should be able to run the game just by double-clicking DOS4GW.EXE.
Assuming you have all the correct files for it... :)
The reason you are getting the current error is that the Cmd line does *not* have that file name, and DOS4GW.EXE is a program that does not run on its own. It *needs* a file to run with, such as Maped.exe or Verge.exe. Without it, you'll get a syntax error.
And on an unrelated note, what's with all of the tech posts on the general board? This is really the third post in a few days that oughta have been posted on the help board... (This is not being aimed particularly at you, somedude. :) )
Posted on 2002-09-02 23:06:56
If you are using windows XP, you won't get DOS4GW to work, period. :( You can try downloading WinV2 and put all the files in the directory.
If you have win98, you can try something else instead of typing out the full c:\blabla\DOS4GW.exe Verge.exe : Just type Verge Verge. It's odd, but it works.
Posted on 2002-09-08 19:35:01