Feeling bold? Voice actors needed.
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I was playing shillouette mirage, and I thought to myself "man(or woman(peace out, I'm P.C.)), these voice overs are driving me mad. They should only happen once per game, like in RPGs." then it clicked in my brain. I'll have voice overs in UK. Then I thought to myself "How am I supposed to do the voice overs without a microphione?". Then my brain clicked again (my brain must be broken); "I'll have my pals at the boards do the voices".

I don't need anything to complex though. Just a couple of battle quips for the heroes, pre-battle quotes for the villains, miscellany. If you're feeling particularly daring, record a wave file of yourself screaming/talking in various ways (If you'd like to be a hero try to sound like you're battling, If you'd like to be a villain try to sound evil), and send it to me. I'll digest it, and as the game evolves I'll decide who sounds most like the envisioned voice, and write back to you. If you'd like to play that character, I'll ask for specific quotes/sounds, and they'll be put in the game. Your name will be in the credits, and it will be pretty fun. Any voice may apply, no matter how akward. You don't even need to use your natural voice, and may mess with it via computer. Get creative. It will be very fun. Imagine. Playing a voice in an RPG.
Why didn't I think of this before?

Please participate. I need a lot of volunteers. write to green_ness@yahoo.com with quip.

The wave may say whatever you want, in whatever voice you want, just as long as you can emulate the voice again. It may be as long as you want, but try to keep it under 4MB. these files will not be spread, and not be used in the Kelpie unless you want them to. Happy recording!

I quiver with anticipation.

-Steven "may play the voice of Drake" Marine.

Posted on 2000-11-11 19:19:23


Well, since I must fill out every field, I guess I will.

(aka: ¶, the coder formerly known as Prince Paul)

Posted on 2000-11-11 21:01:49


ohh well why did you read the text,?

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian tralu the gerf people i do not like... anyone who does not like chocolate

Posted on 2000-11-11 21:10:38



TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2000-11-12 00:17:06


If you got headphones they work as i mic, perfectly. try it out. or even a old speaker maybe, that can plug into your mic slot. Not too shabby eh?

Posted on 2000-11-12 19:37:54

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