FLC? what a choice!
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What is up with the Flc video format? is there such thing is something above uncompression? because that's what Flc is? I just don't understand how 2 seconds of video is 15mb's... Am I doing something wrong?

Posted on 2001-06-16 22:27:58


I don't think its uncompressed, I've made 2-3 minute videos that were under 5 megs, though the quality was crappy and they were low res. Also, I did them frame by frame, so I wasn't boasting any really fancy frames, but still. Actually they were FLIs, but V2 loaded them up just fine, in fact I made a little demo showing FLIs working in verge. The program I made them in is at least 6 years old, and its DOS. Very simple, nothing you'd want to use. ;)
As for them being huge, I dunno what software you're using etc. If you want to take a look at my demo, I'm sure I have it on my HD somewhere . . .
I hope someone else has had luck with FLI/FLCs...


Anime . . . nya! =) http://www.geocities.com/narad_mav/Narad-AnimeList.html

Posted on 2001-06-17 14:45:07


What is your resolution and frame rate?

Posted on 2001-06-19 08:28:33


320 240.

24 frames

Posted on 2001-06-19 12:05:46

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