Goto or Gosub function?
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1. Can ya use a Goto or Gosub fonction like there is in Qbasic?:

if (Up)
Goto(20); // well something like that
Text("yay!"); // supposing that this is line 20

(p.s. This is just an example, not the real code)

Beans are an excellent source of proteines! So please, be nice with them ...

Posted on 2001-01-03 20:43:03


Instead of having a bit long list of code, (a la BASIC) VC is arranged into functions. There's your GOSUB equivalent.

There is no GOTO. (and I doubt there ever will be)

void DoSomething()
 Notify("woah! STuff happened!");

void Notify(string s)
 while (!b1)

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2001-01-03 21:27:10

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