Graphic layer questions
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Ok,i am drawing a map, and I wanna make my charecter walk under something. like behind a a fence where you can still see the person behind the fence. how would I go about making this effect on my map? I thought It was make a second layer then put all those graphics on that layer but when I do that, no graphics show up.

Posted on 2002-04-19 16:14:49


Well, you are right. You need to draw them to a new layer. Then, go to map properties, and check the RString. It should say '1E'.
What that means is it draws layer 1, and then draws the entity layer, E, above it. Since you want to draw the fence above the entities, change the RString to
1E2. Note the capital 'E'. It may not work with a lower case.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2002-04-19 16:37:18


Ok, thanks, its working now, but the colors of the tiles in my second layer are distorted, I am just wondering if thats normal? and by chance, say I made like a house on my map, is there a way to move it to another part with out haveing to erase everything and do everything over again?

Posted on 2002-04-20 10:12:01


Hold shift down while selecting the house with your mouse. Then a P should appear on the side of the tile box on bottomright. When you click now, it should paint the whole house with top-left starting from where you click. It will only copy one layer, though, so if you've painted the house over several layers, you need to copy each layer. Still, it's a lot faster than redrawing the whole house!


Posted on 2002-04-20 16:59:22


gn0 text motha fucka!

Posted on 2002-04-20 17:55:23

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