Graphics issue + PlartyMove
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I am working on a battle system that is very FF-esque, and I have nearly finished the menu interface. When I have a character move within the battle system (actually, it's the command PartyMove) it stops rendering the menus to the screen until he stops moving. I know there is a way around this, but I can't seem to remember what it is. Also, any calls to EntityMove produce no result. I don't know why.
I would like to be able to move all characters on the screen without using PartyMove, just EntityMove. However, the game has a built in SetPlayer function that I'd like to ignore. I'm sure you guys have had problems similar to this before, so if you could help me out here, I'd appreciate it.
The great bell at Shinja echoes the impermanence of all things.

Posted on 2002-02-15 14:03:35



Posted on 2002-02-15 14:04:12


Don't use entity and party move to move entities inside of a loop. It would actually be much easier for you to use images instead of messing with chr's, but it can be done with chr's.

Move the entities by modify the entity.x,tx,y, and ty variables, and change the frames using the entitymove("ZX") command, where 'X' is the frame #. You're also going to have to put processentities() in your loop in order for the frame changes from entitymove() to take effect. You may have to call processentities() after EVERY entitymove() call, I've had to tweak my code in order to get it to work right in the past.

Posted on 2002-02-15 20:15:26

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