Help with chr maker...
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I have v2chr maker and I'm trying to figure out how to make FF3 chrs, but all I come up with is blocky characters that look... well like a Tetris game.

Is there a better maker or am I not using it right?

I could really use help on the subject...

Thanks Again.

Posted on 2001-07-16 19:20:49


I could help you if you were to post what you have. I guarantee its not a proplem with the program, you're just visualising it wrong.

Behind an apparent aesthetic repugnance for politics sometimes lurks a vulgar conservative sensibility. ...The intellectual, just like any fool, is subject to the influence of his environment, his education and his interests. His inteligence does not op

Posted on 2001-07-16 20:29:02


How do I explain my problem...

I visualize how I want them to look and begin to create them, but after their finished they look blocky and not right. I have a sample Bakahito and I use him for a model but maybe I can't get all the degree's of shading right, or the shape right... It's just a general problem with my technique being new to this.

Any advice is what I'm asking, basically.

Posted on 2001-07-16 20:41:12


Suggestion one: get some pics on the web. If you don't have any webspace, try a free provider like,,, and many others (they're a dime a dozen these days.) Upload some pics of your CHRs so we can see what you mean.

Suggestion two: drawing good chrs is a skill refined with practice. Plus, keep in mind you're drawing in low-res (320x240 most likely) so the pixels are larger than you're used to in more modern games. Excellent shading can help this a little, but not a lot. And excellent shading requires practice. Just keep at it!

That is all.


P.S. Auroraborealisis is a very good chr artist. Listen to him :)

Posted on 2001-07-16 23:06:00

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