Help with entities movement...
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Hi everyone,
I need some help with entities movement. I'm using V2.5 and I would like to know if there is any way to make a function that looks like waitmove() in v1.

I tried many times to make one but I didn't succeed. The character jump to the destination tile without waiting. I don't know if I'm clear but if you understand, help me!!!!

I'm working on my game and I need this function so bad!



Posted on 2002-12-05 20:31:27


No one is answering my question and I can't continue my game without this function. That's sad. Ah well! I guess it's supposed to be this way :(

Well, if someone's got this answer for that, send me an email at:

Please help!

(BTW, I know this message is not on the right board. Sorry bout that).


Posted on 2002-12-11 13:31:11


And post on the Vergesource where there's actually a good bit of activity. Anyway.

I'm not quite sure what a "WaitMove" does. Never heard of it and I didn't use V1. Try this though, which halts entity processing while still rendering the map:

void Wait(int sec) //centisecs to wait
int t;
t = timer;
while (timer

It is not wrong to not understand, for we are all ignorant, but neither is understanding pointless.

Come visit!

Posted on 2002-12-11 16:22:01

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