Help with vc's
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Ok, here's the problem:

I want to make one of the functions I made in the access the and call a certain event; for example event 5 or something of the sort.

This way I can have individual talking and interaction scripts for each character stored in the map... Please help soon!

Posted on 2001-03-11 21:35:16


It's easy. There is a built in void,
Is that all you need, or do you need helpwith making the function?

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-03-11 21:51:14


Thanks so much! I kept using callscript? I don't know what that does, but the program shut down pretty quick. Thanks again.

Posted on 2001-03-11 22:04:37


CallScript calls functions from your CallEvent, on the other hand, points to the current map.

Posted on 2001-03-12 00:41:45

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