help with vcc.exe
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When I try to run vcc.exe to compile it doesn't work. I only get a information:
Stub exec failed:
No such file or directory

What can I do now?

Posted on 2001-03-12 08:30:12


Go here:

Slap that file in your windows directory and you should be set.

I don't know what it's for(runtimes or something) but that's what you need. :)

Posted on 2001-03-12 14:23:40


vcc and dos4gw have a pretty goofy relationship.

Move (don't just copy) dos4gw.exe to any directory in your path, (or your windows folder if you have no idea what that means) and all should be well again.

'Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.' -Albert Einstein

Posted on 2001-03-12 23:50:01



Posted on 2001-03-13 11:05:14

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