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* Slightly better tutorial
* fixed up a few minor issues with image.Rect * error reporting vastly improved
* various other bugs fixed (both in the engine and WinMaped)
* Added v2's 8 bit CHR format support * A whole bunch of crap that I forgot because its late

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-08-07 00:48:46


Kick ass, finally verge is getting somewhere.But enough with the fun and games. What do I need to make the error message "unable to load graphics dll" Go away.

Posted on 2001-08-07 04:37:34


I see you changed directory structure.

Posted on 2001-08-07 04:40:33


I often point v2.7 to use the graphics plugins directly from where my compiler saves them, for debugging said plugins.

Sometimes I remember to change user.cfg before releasing. Sometimes not. -_-

Sorry about that.

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-08-07 09:28:00

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