Goto and read the tutorials, and the FAQ, for getting Verge up and running; it just runs your games, it is not an IDE like RPGMaker 2000.
All Winv2 programs including Maped and VCC are compatible with XP. Even some older DOS V2 utilities work with XP (nearly all of them work on my PC).
The reason why they shut down after opening them is because XP shuts down DOS programs after they process their output. To stop this to allow the programs to wait before exiting, right click on the program (such as VCC.exe), and click properties. Then click the Program tab. Find the checkbox marked "Close On Exit" and uncheck it. Now the program will stay active to display output after it finishes.
Hope this helps you get started.
It is not wrong to not understand, for we are all ignorant, but neither is understanding pointless.
Come visit!
Posted on 2002-07-30 11:28:15