How do you revisit cless's board?
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This may sound pathetic, but I don't know how to reach cless's board. I used to enter it from, and never learned the address. I'd be very thankfull if someone directed me there. I'd still post here too. To be honest, It's nicer here, but I have conversations going on there too. I'd be obliged if you showed me the way. Thanks.

I must repeat, I love the new site. Very suave.

-Steven Marine

Posted on 2000-11-10 12:14:28


the url for cless's board is:

it wasn't working last night, however, and doesn't look like it's working at the moment, either.

verge-rpg. it's not just a job, it's an enema.

Posted on 2000-11-10 14:53:22

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford. is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.