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how can i get a simple rectangle or filled rectangle to apper on my map. Also how do i get an image to apper on my map.

Posted on 2002-12-29 17:52:48


As far as I know you can't. Rectangle and Image blitting commands only accept screen coordinates, not map coordinates. I'm even having to write my own library to do that.

You might want to come to the Vergesource, as Verge-rpg isn't getting much traffic right now.

It is not wrong to not understand, for we are all ignorant, but neither is understanding pointless.

Come visit www.verge-net.com!

Posted on 2002-12-30 13:09:56


void my_rect()
// this will draw your player entity's hotspot
// rectangle on the screen

Then call hookretrace(my_rect) in your map vc for a lovely example. To draw using map coordinates just use the pixel coords (ie tx*16 = x) and subtract xwin/ywin. If you need a simpler explanation ask again!

Posted on 2002-12-31 20:30:39

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