I'm Stupid!!
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I just thought I'd bring up the fact that 2/3 of my
computers are now dead, and I have lost access to all
of my VERGE files, projects, and even artwork.

I don't even have speakers on this lousy machine, so
things are looking bad for the reunion between
me and VERGE, so I'll just try to hang around the community
and whatnot. I could probably still draw tiles if anyone
wanted, since it doesn't require any sound. :P

For those who don't know me, feel free to check out my
old games. The Tears of Vengeance demos, Beyond the Blue
Horizon (if you can find it), and my favorite, License to
Poop. And you can email me at mattrock@softhome.net

I'll be around!!

Love, BS

Posted on 2000-11-10 14:59:26


do you know anything about scripting?? sososo, ok, do you know how to make a text event run only once? see i have a map and there is a little girl and she argues and calls the player names, and the player gets mad at her, is there a way to make it so thsat the little girl never talks to the player again?

I am a new person to verge People i like.. mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian and a few other poor souls

Posted on 2000-11-10 15:09:02


You have to use flags. Flags rock!


Posted on 2000-11-10 15:30:02


a hem, first..: my system.vc goes like soso,

could you pretty plaes correct this/ese scripts so that the little girl never talks after the one time i talk to her??

void Text(string text1, string text2 string text3)
int y;

// loop until B1 is pressed
while (!b1)
//draw el mapo
// draw the text box
// draw the text
y=ScreenY-(ScreenY/4); // position font output at the upper-left of the textbox
GotoXY(0, y); PrintString(0, text1); y+=FontHeight(0);
GotoXY(0, y); PrintString(0, text2); y+=FontHeight(0);
GotoXY(0, y); PrintString(0, text3);
// update video memory


I am a new person to verge People i like.. mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian and a few other poor souls

Posted on 2000-11-10 15:36:59


The command itself doesn't need to be changed... you code it in your map events so that it only runs once based on the value of a variable. If you don't understand what I said, maybe you should read the FAQ and Newbie Guide rather than pestering us constantly. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but you HAVE to be able to figure things out on your own if you expect to have any success.


Posted on 2000-11-10 18:00:24


I recommend reading V2.5 reference file, Vergesource FAQ, V2 Newbie guide, a bit of C++ books (Beginners guide to c++, learn C++ in 21 days etc.) and Aens Tutorials. All of these can be found @ the Vergesource

Posted on 2000-11-11 03:49:39

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