I used to be Oldb, i need help still
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hello, spiffy site, can anyone help me?
what i need is this, i am wondering if there is a script for a warp to a new map
like this IE

i am in a cave and i take an old elevator up to a new cave a new map> i wnat to be set at the elevator which is at the middle of the map
how would i do that?

Posted on 2000-11-09 16:30:32


This is so totally in the docs it's not even funny ;)

Posted on 2000-11-09 20:55:19


What i mean is to be loaded up into certain coordinates, on the map
see, i have a zone that whenever i walk over it it says a beggining narration, and i have other maps linked to that map and whenever i load it up i HAVE to walk over the zone and the briefing comes up all the time!

it is different than map("start.map");

Posted on 2000-11-09 21:03:48

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