Is it possible?
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is is possible to make customizeable charicters and how would i go about this (i want the user to beable to like change the color of clothing skin things like taht.)

"Let go of my hands and I WILL varnish the floor with your brains!!!" -ヒリュウ(hiryuu)

Posted on 2001-01-10 23:44:32


aside from the obvious of making multiple chrs depending on the specifications, it would be a little hard. I guess you could figure out a way to do some palette swapping, or creating a new image with changeall(). I know some projects, like vergeonline, tried out paperdoll systems, but I doubt any of that would be usable in v2. I wonder if any of that code is lying around somewhere?

Posted on 2001-01-11 00:00:49


I've noticed you got a nice pile of hexcode gibberish in your sig, which probably should be displayed in Japanese. Where did you get Japanese text support? Whenever I try to d/l it, it just errors me to hell.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-01-11 01:06:19


Its japanese, I got it all of M$'s site (Input method editor for inputtinf, japanese text suport for veiwing)

"Let go of my hands and I WILL varnish the floor with your brains!!!" -ヒリュウ(hiryuu)

Posted on 2001-01-11 03:18:05


As grenideer mentioned, you could use palette manipulation to handle this, if you're very careful, and you're using 8 bit color rather than 15/16 bit. The problem is that you would have to set aside a block of colors for use only on a single character, otherwise you'd have your trees or other characters turning funky colors when the player changes his clothes or skin color. If you set aside a few colors (say, colors 240 through 255) for use in the player's clothing, skin, etc, and document all of the assignments you make (color 240 is for skin color, 241 for hair, etc) then you could use the pal array to (see VERGEC.TXT) modify the colors. One way would be to preprogram several colors into the game (give the player a choice between green, aqua or pink, for example), or just give them 3 color bars a la RPG menu color changers. Good luck.


Posted on 2001-01-11 21:54:13

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