item menu and whatnot
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I'm new to this board..I've been looking for tutorials for any info I could find about making an item menu..I've only found the one that was on the verge source, but that one dealt with .dat files..

My game has a menu that comes up when you press tab, but from there I'm not quite sure how to get from that menu and into a menu that displays current items and such..i downloaded sully pi as an example and i have somewhat managed with it, but i haven't quite been able to get it to show me much..i'm really confused about getting an item system going as well, but i'm slowly figuring it out..

i just wanted to ask if anyone could give me some tips or suggestions on getting an item menu to function properly?

Posted on 2001-07-21 14:38:08


well first off, *.dat files are kinda required unless you want to manually enter information into verge, which is a pain cause its kinda harder to fix and find mistakes. What i reccomend doing is having an option bar on the side kinda like the FF6 menu or other menus of the sort. In order to do this, you need to create loops in your function. Or if you wanted to, you could use the hookkey() prebuilt function to assign a different button to load your menu. If you have questions on how to do this then email me or contact me on AIM,
If you need help tell me and ill send you some examples of my menu

The darkness awaits, do not try and escape your destiny.

Posted on 2001-07-24 21:53:51

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