Item text is running away!
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Okay, the other problem is fixed, but now I have no idea how to fix. The following code when run, creates a box and is supposed to insert itemtext into the box. However, right when this is loaded, the itemtext "runs away" downward and disappears.

It probably has something to do with the for and while loops. Is there another way to reorganize the loops so the text stays put?

// Other code above
for(i = 0; i 0)
// Switch to next column at 15
if(ywrite = 15 && xwrite = 0)
{ ywrite = 0; xwrite = 1; }

// Write something
PrintString(commtext, itemname[i]);

// Move the GotoXY down to next line
// Count items
// Increase shadow # of items
item[i] = restoreitem;
// Code below controls pointer


I really should stop playing online multiplayer browser games, but I'm addicted. ^_^ But I've been working on my own little RPG on and off for the last TWO years! Now, I hope, I can finally get it DONE!...(or just release a small version :P)

Posted on 2000-11-11 21:56:51


for(i = 0; i 0)
That is the funkiest FOR loop I've ever seen. Not being an expert programmer I might be wrong, but that looks just wrong. It doesn't say when to end the loop, or how to increment the variable.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2000-11-12 00:34:07


stupid html screwed up the for loop. It really is supposed to look like this:

for(i = 0; i "less than sign" 50; i++)

I really should stop playing online multiplayer browser games, but I'm addicted. ^_^ But I've been working on my own little RPG on and off for the last TWO years! Now, I hope, I can finally get it DONE!...(or just release a small version :P)

Posted on 2000-11-12 17:34:28


You should use &lt; for < and &gt; for >. If this didn't appear, v-rpg's message board doesn't like me. :(

- Ear

Posted on 2000-11-13 16:31:52

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