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does megazeux sucks? yes or no? please tell reasons too so i can better understand.
if you don't know what megazeux is, goto www.digitalmzx.net
Posted on 2001-01-16 05:44:36
Megazeux...Megazeux... isn't that the ASCII game builder? I once played a megazeux game and the colors kinda burned my eyes... it wasn't bad game, though. ^_^
I think Megazeux is somewhat okay, but I don't use it. Why, you may ask? Because of the graphics. ASCII just doesn't cut it sometimes. And it's a lot easier to get better graphics in Verge because Verge uses real pictures.
So I guess Megazeux sucks in the graphics department, but it's OK otherwise. ^_~
http://www.geocities.com/tatewaki_42/ - The Cyberwizards Realm
http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/c/r/cruz19/ - My Elfwood Gallery
Posted on 2001-01-16 16:38:13
Yes... Megazeux sucks... Why? Um, uh, because VERGE RULEAX0rz! d00d! MegAzEuX is Po0p! YeAh! It hax0rs your Slax0rs!
Anyway, why must this discussion be constantly ressurected? It doesn't make sense to me... If you like Megzeux, use it. If not, don't. Just try it yourself.
Posted on 2001-01-17 03:02:20
Displaying 1-3 of 3 total.