I dropped in the verge2.6 windows port in some of my older games, and for some reason when i try to run it, i get a message saying that the libpng1.dll can't be found... the problem is, i can't find it in the folder where the windows port does work? Anyone know where i can find this file?
p.s. about a year ago i sent copies of a FF style battle system i was working on to a bunch of people... i was wondering if anyone still had that and could send it to me since my dad deleted it from my computer...
Posted on 2001-05-24 15:44:36
You "dropped" the v26 "port" into your games? I'm a tad confused on that bit... I only know of the v26 _release_, which is what you will need. It's in the files section (I think) or most likely on www.vergesource.com (down right now, up soon we hope)
You should just install v26 in its own folder and then move your content from the other games into there (you will need a separate v26 for each game, of course.)
Now this is probably self-explanatory but I should say it anyway: you better make sure your "older" games are only "older" enough to be V2, cuz if they're v1 games they're not likely to work under v26 :) You can convert pretty much everything in a snap tho.
Posted on 2001-05-24 16:52:07