MAPED ATE MY MAP!! vecna, help! (:
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I wish I could prove to people how incredibly talented I am at breaking software... if game companies knew, they'd hire me as a playtester in a MINUTE, since I think EVERY bug in EVERY game I've ever played has directly hit me, at full force. (:
Anyway, I was busily working away today on making the very first map for FK, when lo and behold, MapEd started behaving strangely. I had just added 10 blank tiles to my VSP, but when I went back to the map, I noticed that some of the already-existing tiles had been blanked out... but when I hit Ctrl and looked, the two tiles in question seemed fine. However, upon clicking on them, trying to copy them, etc., they came up as blank.
Figuring that some sort of memory problem had occurred, I saved and exited out of MapEd.
Well, that was the last time I saw my map.
When I exited MapEd, the screen froze for 10 or so seconds, and I got a Stack overflow error. And now, every time I try to load my map file, I get a blank screen for 10 seconds, and MapEd closes with a stack overflow error!
Now... what gives? I tested my VSP on other maps, and the VSP is fine (the two "blank" tiles included)... it's just the map that won't load.
vecna, if you're reading this, I'm going to send you the map and the VSP... if you get a chance, please take a look at it and see if you can restore my map to some sort of functional, workable semblance of its old self... 'cause I spent a few hours getting everything just right on there (though granted, much of that was for the VSP, which is OK), and I'd really prefer NOT to lose it to some weird error...\
P.S. Does anyone know if there's a way to turn off the screensaver in MapEd? It keeps coming on after 5-10 seconds of idle time, which is REALLY annoying. Thanks!
Posted on 2001-11-30 02:33:23