maped notes for aen
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Ahoy. I was using the new maped for the last demo and noticed a couple of things. If they've been fixed in a later release and I'm just an ass, let me know.

-Some menu fuctions (I know save and quit do it, possibly some others) seem like they don't unpress the mouse buttons. If I have a red tile selected and I save the map, a red tile is put on the map where the cursor was. I kind of got around it by being in layer 2 with a blank tile when I saved.

-After editing the map I'd have to recompile before it would work properly. Is that supposed to be the deal? No biggie, but I notice with older versions you can just slap an altered map in the directory and run.

Thats all I noticed really. The first one was the most irritating, let me know if that was an incoherent explanation. Other than that, ta. 640*480 was vastly nicer to use.


Posted on 2004-01-26 15:20:06


Ah, I think I know what you're referring to. I remember noticing something like that offhand, but I didn't pay much attention since I was fixing other bugs at the time. I'll see about getting that fixed in the next revisions.

As for the compilation issue: Due to maped2w being ported to Windows, I removed the "trick" the old code was using to simply shell a command to the DOS prompt. This causes various bad things to occur in Windows for some reason. So currently maped2w does not compile map scripts during save.

Thanks for reminding me though! I was going to compile the compiler (heh) directly into maped so that it wouldn't have to shell. Which has a few pros and cons, but I'll see what I can figure out on this one for the next revision as well.

Posted on 2004-01-26 18:59:49


Yep, the mouse not always unpressing can be a real pain. If you don't move the menu box out of the center of the screen, and then click "map properties", you'll likely also click on "resize map", because of where the button is located - the same spot as the "map properties" menu item usually appears by default.


Posted on 2004-01-26 20:30:24

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