maped question for aen
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Ahoy. I was using the new maped for the last demo and noticed a couple of things. If they've been fixed in a later release and I'm just an ass, let me know.

-Some menu fuctions (I know save and quit do it, possibly some others) seem like they don't unpress the mouse buttons. If I have a red tile selected and I save the map, a red tile is put on the map where the cursor was. I kind of got around it by being in layer 2 with a blank tile when I saved.

-After editing the map I'd have to recompile before it would work properly. Is that supposed to be the deal? No biggie, but I notice with older versions you can just slap an altered map in the directory and run.

Thats all I noticed really. The first one was the most irritating, let me know if that was an incoherent explanation. Other than that, ta. 640*480 was vastly nicer to use.


Posted on 2004-01-26 15:18:36

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