Maps, Entitys, Zones.... HELP ME!! Displaying 1-11 of 11 total.
I need serious help figuring out how to do this stuff! Please reply with stuff I can cut and paste or download. If you can try to explain to me how I can do the stuff on my own. (but downloads are very much preferred!!!) ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!! (THANK YOU ;in Japanese;!!!) sincerely,
Que Sera Sera
Posted on 2001-07-03 18:13:06
Then go to Verge, then Tutorials, and you'll find a few there. But he's missing some of the most important ones(geared at newbies) done by aen, so you'll have to wait for tatsumi to release his zip full of articles that he said he'd make. Until then, you might be able to find something useful at the URL above.
Out of clutter, find simplicity.
Posted on 2001-07-03 19:15:44
I just realized you can find aen's tutorials on this very site. Just look over to the sidebar on the left and go to tutorials. You'll find all 3 of aen's tutorials there and they should help you greatly.
Out of clutter, find simplicity.
Posted on 2001-07-03 19:21:38
Well, I don't know exactly what your problems are, but I'll throw some links up to stuff for ya.
The official document for maped
The guide for VergeC
A set of tutorials, mostly geared to programming. Few people have used it, but most said they liked 'em.
A 100% blank game to start off of. Has all the neccessary files, and a few placeholders.
A quick lowdown on how to do stuff, starting from MapEd
Open maped, hit ctrl. (Now your in the tile editor)
Click 'edit' [bottom right pannel]
click on the second tile
draw something.
hit esc
click select [bottom right pannel]
select the tile you drew (Now your in the main screen)
put that tile all over the place.
Now -to place an entity
press 'E' on the Keyboard
click over one of the tiles you placed. (It should get a black grid on it.)
Hold SHIFT and click the entity
the Brings up the info screen. Reed about it in MapEd2.txt
Now -to place a zone
Hit 'N' on the keyboard ('Zone 0' appears in the bottom right)
Hit 'A' or 'Z' to increment/decrement
go to zone 1
place it on some of the tiles you placed (they get covered by the black grid)
hold 'SHIFT' and click on it.
Zone info box appears. (Read about in MapEd2.txt)
Finish the Map
hit 'ESC'
Go to map properties
Change mapname to test.map
change vsp to test.vsp
hit ok
hit 'ESC'
save the map
ignore the error "VCC has reported the following error: yadda yadda yadda."
Hope some of this helps...
TheGerf, not just any gerf.
Posted on 2001-07-03 20:13:09
No text :)
"Thats my Candy Bitch!"
-Albert Einstein
Posted on 2001-07-03 20:39:45
TheGerf, not just any gerf.
Posted on 2001-07-03 21:13:22
I went into a tutorial (that Rysen sent me) and copied a code to make my entities talk, but whenever I add an entity, I become the entity I was supposed to talk to. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! What is the exact code and where to I paste *ahem* type it?
Que Sera Sera
Posted on 2001-07-03 22:27:55
soemwhere in the map.vc, it will say setplayer(0);
Since the ones map in Maped are given an index number before the ones made in vc, it makes your problem. So, instead of
setplayer(0); here's a longer/better way to do it.
In system.vc add this line:
int player_char;
and in the map.vc, change the entityspawn command to
player_char=entityspawn(...); // keep the x,y,charfile
then add:
TheGerf, not just any gerf.
Posted on 2001-07-04 00:49:53
Ok, I have this pasted into system.vc:
event { /* 0: Autoexec */
SetPlayer( EntitySpawn(7,6,"AIKO.chr") );
event { /* 1: Talk to the Greeter entity */
RectFill(0, (ScreenY-1)-(FontHeight(0)*3), (ScreenX-1), (ScreenY-1), 0);
GotoXY(0, (ScreenY-1)-(FontHeight(0)*3));
PrintString(0, "Hi, I'm the Greeter entity!");
Whenever I talk to the "Greeter entity," it just turns to me. What do I need to add?
Que Sera Sera
Posted on 2001-07-04 00:53:20
ok, please tell me EVERYTHING that needs to be in my system.vc file and my test.vc file (map.vc). How do I make the entity, Greeter, talk when I hit enter?
Que Sera Sera
Posted on 2001-07-04 00:59:44
Everything you have in system.vc looks right, exept for the
which should be in the map.vc
Then do the changes I said in the last post,
TheGerf, not just any gerf.
Posted on 2001-07-04 18:41:11
Displaying 1-11 of 11 total.