mcgrue, WHERE DA ASTRAD??!
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Ok, for those of us that from time to time are drowning in our own drool pool of zealot expectation: what is happening with The Astrad or former Saga of the Stars? Some of us would just be happy if the V1 version of the Saga continued ;) Anyways, we're drooling for over 2 years now, replaying the old game occasionally, I even know the dinner ritual by heart, etc. ;)) Same goes for Silver Circle, Galaxy Destroyer, Legend of The Sylph... The promise is given: the best of the best, coming out soon, yadda yadda... What then? When then? With the words of in '91 of AIDS deceased Zarathustrian from Zanzibar: "I want it all, I want it all, I want it all and I want it NOW!"

To make the long story short: release games (good legendary fantasy!), release demos, bread and games is what we want!

--- End of transmission ---

"You are not a god!" "Why don't you pull the trigger and find out... " -Young Guns 2

Posted on 2001-01-16 05:50:42


*ahem* I know I'm not Grue, but be patient. It's being slowly worked on, and that's not the way to get info about it. If Grue wanted you to know more, he would have released info. Second, Silver Circle, Galaxy Destroyer, and Legend of the Sylph are... to put it mildly, dead, kaput, gone, vaporwared, gone to the great big VCC compiler in the sky. However, with them being gone, we are seeing many more interesting V2 games coming around, as we've actually been having some activity in the community lately. Just stay tuned, and you'll recieve some games. Till then, play Zeux's World.

Posted on 2001-01-16 17:28:10

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