Me Again...
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I downloaded Technicium's Vortex and followed his instructions to compile it, but it still wont run, infact, I can never seem to get verge games to run on my computer, but almost never for the same reason. In this instance I run the verge executable and I get an error saying it couldn't switch to hi color 640 by 480. does anyone out there share simmilar problems, only with a knowledge of how to solve such things? perhaps there's something simple that I'm missing ( the reason why verge games never run correctly ) any help would be appreciated.


Posted on 2001-06-18 12:14:35


I have a similar problem, I can't run Verge2.5 or 2K+j (or whatever it is) or Verge 2 in hi-res. SciTech display doctor is supposed to remedy the problem, but I've had no luck with it.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-06-18 12:33:27

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