me and my projects
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Most of you probably don't know me, but those of you that do most likely know that I've never published a game outside of an HoV contest. This isn't because I've never worked on a project, it's because all of my projects inevitably fizzle out after about 3 weeks or so. I've been working on a game for about two weeks now and as I expected I'm starting to lose interest, despite my desire to finish it.

So why am I posting this message? I'm thinking that maybe if I let people see what I have done so far and there's a positive reaction to it, I might be motivated to continue working on it! Thus ending the cycle of craptitude.

Here it is, but be warned that I only have a portion of a menu system done. Press the space bar to call it up because there's not much else to look at.

- choris

Posted on 2001-07-12 14:27:33


Got the same problem. Can't keep working on an idea project, etc. for more then two weeks without losing interest or scrapping the whole thing and rebuilding it from the start.

Well, you got an nice interface and everything that's supposed to work seems to be pretty functional. Nice.

Posted on 2001-07-12 17:26:58

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