Messiah Project demo has screwy colors!
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But you may already know that. %{

Long story short, my (soon to be old) monitor is evil! It failed to show me that there are bright blue jaggies around most of the objects in the new maps, and lied, showing the bright puke green in the menu as a nice forest green.

If you already downloaded it, I apologize, if you haven't, don't.

I borrowed a monitor from work, and will work feverishly to fix the colors, and post a new demo (and a patch for if you already have it) asap. Then, I'll buy a new monitor, and sacrifice my old one to the Second Story Window Gods.

"How many rocks are there, in the whole world?"

Posted on 2000-12-23 01:31:54


I'm glad to hear that. I thought it was the "theme" you were going for. ;) (neon and all)

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2000-12-23 03:49:32


Are you porting it to V2.6? Have you arlready? Do you plan on it? Just wondering, because I played one of your earlier demos at school where they are old enough to run real DOS, and it was cool. My comp at home can't run Dos well, so I can't play now.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2000-12-23 15:07:24


It currently runs in the latest version of v2.6, in 16 bit (hicolor) mode. Maps are 256 colors, but each uses it's own palette. We're redoing the .chrs in 16 bit as we speak. (preview of new zombie.chr: )

The other good news is: I baught a new monitor today, and my eyes are very happy.

Thanks for the interest, and kind words. :-)

"How many rocks are there, in the whole world?"

Posted on 2000-12-23 20:22:27

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