Music and Sounds
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I have had some problems with hearing music and sounds. I put in the right directory and everything for the music but I still don't hear anything. I was wondering if there was anything else that I would have to do.

Also I have a zone that when my player enters it it will play a .wav sound. That doesn't work and I have


Is there a problem with this? The whole thing is

def Zone1():

Is there a global variable or name that I have to put in or something?

Posted on 2001-11-18 13:59:17


More like this:


You might also want to consider making that variable global, and just loading the wav once.

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-11-18 14:41:33


Thanks. I will try this and let you know the news. But I have one more question that I really am confuesed on. In winmaped and maped there are boxes in the zone proporties and one says Entity. What do I put in it? I know what to put in all the other ones but not in that one.

Posted on 2001-11-18 14:48:25

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