MWAhahaha, I'm gonna do it!
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I was poking around *poke poke* and noticed that sounds really nifty for verge (duh ;-) )
and then it hit me *blam* why don't I register it, unfortunatly Time Warner and Aol own it (bastards! with a capital '!') but then it hit me, that the most you can usually register your url name for (you know with the big gaint guild of url gods) about 2 years!
so I was thinking, lets query about how much time Time really had (get it, time, and Time Warner **laughs** ok, I'm lame, so shoot me) before becomes free to buy again, and I noticed that their subscription to (for verge magazine none the less) run out in 14-May-2002, I know, I know, your thinking "man, thats far off" or "your lame" or the better "Dude, Aol would shoot you on site if you step on their turf and claim some ground, this isn't some candy ass Mtv polluted world, this is the internet man! AOL has people everywhere, if you claim that url, you, your family, your ferret, even your goldfish will be dead.... your playing with fire man, and remember the last time you played with fire? that poor dog has never been the same!" (long one huh ;-) )
and of course theres afew assholes out there that will actually say "Dude, verge is dead, and by that time verge will be moldy, and dead, man, verge sucks, its dead, you know, dead, cause I say so, I may not know how to program, and I may not have read the Docs, but I can honestly say that verge is dead, its hard, and its lame, and I can't seem to find the user.cfg file on your site, so is dead to, I use rpgmaker 2000, I'm a good programmer, and I claim verge is dead, I'm changing my name to Verge I. Sdead and my kids names are going to be Verge I. Slame and Verge Issabella Dead!"
and you know what I say to that..... well, those words are not meant for the ears of the good people here at, so I will simply flip-off my monitor, and hope you get the point ;-)

+=-Back on track-=+
Yes! on 14-May-2002, I am going to sit there from midnight to midnight pushing the 'buyme' button on, and when I buy it, oh yes, glory will be ours, I do not mind dying for my scene!
for surely Aol will kill me after I buy it, as I wont give it up for less then the cost of every Diablo VT Rodster ever made in italy, plus um.... the biggest computer system in the world, and acouple houses, and some pop-corn! or yea, and a bottle of faygo.....
and then after all that, I will say 'no, I'm not cheap like that, give me more, if is important to you, I want Pres. Bush's head on a pike made purely out of red vine licorice!"
You know, cause I'm all 'bout keepin wit da ends, drinking some (virgin) gin and juice, laid back, with my mind on my money, and my money the back of of some super model while we do it doggy style while watching hockey. Damn straight.


I'm going to make a verge, its going to be called Verge: ITLUYATSBOVOTOOAOCDTTKHTPIV, it will stand for 'Verge: Impossible to learn unless you are The Speed Bump or Vecna or Tatsumi Oreo or a cool Developement team that knows how to program in Verge' :)

Posted on 2001-07-20 07:55:44


You shouldn't have told us all the good stuff you would get out of buying Now you might have some competition between those midnights!

But that would be cool. And Bush's head on a pike is right up my alley :) Especially if you make it a shishkabob with Chaney, Gore, and (especially) Leiberman (anti-fun bastard that he is, and verge public enemy #1), and give the world a woman president!

That is all.


Posted on 2001-07-20 11:19:32


Can't Aol/Time-Warner just renew thier subscription? I mean, the two year thing is just for the initial sign-up and then it's pay an anual fee to the domain registrar to keep it.

-The Developer
Insert witty signature here

Posted on 2001-07-21 00:32:23


you burst my bubble!
I know, your right, I know about all that, but it was a good idea, I mean, honestly, the chances of me getting for myself is seriously as slim as the chance of the whole super model doggy style while watching hockey.....
but can't a boy dream ;_;



I'm going to make a verge, its going to be called Verge: ITLUYATSBOVOTOOAOCDTTKHTPIV, it will stand for 'Verge: Impossible to learn unless you are The Speed Bump or Vecna or Tatsumi Oreo or a cool Developement team that knows how to program in Verge' :)

Posted on 2001-07-21 05:14:57

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