Need some advice...
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Well, I've managed to get my menu system working fairly well... it's got a lot of features, and I'm very happy with it. :)

However, I need some help in another area. I'm trying to write a "caterpillar follow" movement function, to get my party members to follow each other, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it... any advice?

Posted on 2001-06-07 19:01:57


well I personaly dont know how to do it BUT I know someone who does... and I THINK he might have been the only one that has succesfully made a partyfollow script... but I dunno... anyway go into the verge files and download the BSO tech demo by lord fruitiger. And if I remember right all of his code is up for grabs as long as you credit him...


Posted on 2001-06-07 21:34:07

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