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Ok, I don't get the unknown token message anymore! (sorry it was my fault, but the mistake I made is so dumb I don't want to announce it to the VERGE community). Now, I get this whenever I try to talk to someone! ;_; :

Failed allocating -1629666000 bytes.

Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be, will be.-Doris Day, "The Man Who Knew Too Much"

Posted on 2001-07-07 19:11:22


This means that there is an error when you load the image used for the text box. I've noticed that some programs save PCXs that can't be used in verge. I just don't know many solutions.
If you want to use the box, try a saving it in a different program.

Or, if you want, you can use a coloured rectangle that is drawn in verge, rather than an outside picture.
If you want to do that, get rid of these lines:

int boxpic;
boxpic = loadimage("textbox.pcx"); //textbox pic
TcopySprite(thx, thy-1, 320, 66, boxpic);

and add this line:
RectFill(0,175,screenx,screeny,100); // draws a rectangle

right after the render(), where the tcopysrpite(...) was.
The first 0 means it starts drawing at the left side, the 175 means starts 175 pixels from the top. screenx is the rightmost pixel, screeny is the bottom most. The 100 after the screeny is the colour, I just picked a random one. Change it to whatever you want.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-07-07 19:45:32


I think I know what to do for the image, but if that doesn't work, I'll use the code you gave me. (and the weird thing is about this is, I actually thought I knew what the error was... and i was right!!) Thanks so much for clarifying, Gerf.

Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be, will be.-Doris Day, "The Man Who Knew Too Much"

Posted on 2001-07-07 19:53:36


Ok, now it works great, except for one thing... the box just sits there and doesn't go away. I'll try and figure this out on my own, but I'm probably gonna need your help!

Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be, will be.-Doris Day, "The Man Who Knew Too Much"

Posted on 2001-07-07 20:02:16


I did it! All on my own, I did it!

Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be, will be.-Doris Day, "The Man Who Knew Too Much"

Posted on 2001-07-07 20:06:40


By the way, I wouldn't try to load images within a loop. You'll lose memory a lot faster (if not instantly) that way.

Posted on 2001-07-08 00:26:38



"You better believe they're good reasons! All digitally remastered reasons are good reasons! And all of my reasons are digitally remastered reasons! I am, After all, the Hand of God." - Locke, TWGtHaiALF:CYGWIDL?

Posted on 2001-07-08 15:02:26



"Thats my Candy Bitch!" -Albert Einstein

Posted on 2001-07-08 17:27:01

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