Ok, time to get serious. ;p Displaying 1-6 of 6 total.
Alrighty, have a V2 map finished, all the chars and their animations set up (FF3-style, so nothing too fancy), title screens done, music chosen, and everything relatively, but needed to ask a few questions since I haven't touched Verge in months.
1) What current Verge has working documentation / windows compatibility / .IT Support (Specifically IT's made from MP3's WAV versions in ModTracker) / Transparencies (not for maps, but for text boxes)
2) If the recommended version turns out to be Ika / V2.7, where do you find the documentation on the CHRMAK16.exe proggie?
Thanks all, that really about answers it all, guess working on animations frames helps to pass time till responses. =) Thanks all for the help ahead of time.
Posted on 2002-04-13 21:21:06
1. What current documentation? If you can figure out VC, and by reading Aen's tutorial five at www.vergesource.com/articles, you can, and try using the vergec.txt file after that for further guidance. As far as I know, Winv2 supports IT (I think I've gotten it to work, anyway).
Translucency and transparency are different. Transparency, as far as I know, is where a color is completely absent or see through, and all verges support this with TCopySprite. Translucency is where a semi-clear film of the copy is blitted on top of whatever is already onscreen, and this is accomplished by called SetLucent(1) (on) before you blit graphics. This applies to all graphics by Verge, and can be turned off with SetLucent(0).
If you use V2k+j or V2.6, you can have variable levels of translucency, but with Winv2 there is only one level, on, or off. But Winv2 works better on my computer anyway (V2kj is a DOS program and doesn't work under WinXP on my PC), and I use it instead. Also, for more information on the IKA programs, check www.ikagames.com.
It is not wrong to not understand, for we are all ignorant, but neither is understanding pointless.
Posted on 2002-04-14 08:08:51
Assuming that WinV2's maped is simply V2's maped, since VergeSource doesn't have seperate downloads, and only 1 documentation on maped.exe, I just wondered if something was possible. Back in the day I created my opening scene from tSB's V2+j's maped, which allowed hicolor, but you had to do something specific with the VSP, something about making a new palette of 128 colors, but those colors didn't have to be Verge's default palette. Anyway, short story made long, the map works perfect, lots of adaptations on SNES-tile rips, so hi-color is a definite must, but the V2 maped doesn't recognize the VSP format, but according to documentation, V2 is also hicolor-able, it just doesn't seem to indicate 'how'. Any advice or documentation I may have missed on VergeSource.com or here? Thanks again.
Posted on 2002-04-14 16:52:47
Originally, I think they wanted to implement hicolor in Winv2. But then they decided to save that stuff for V3, so Winv2 never got it. When they say, "hicolor from the ground up" in the readme, they really mean does run in hicolor, but it converts 8-bit to hicolor. So you see, it is just the illusion of 8-bit color, but that is all it can do. There is no way you can use real hicolor maps and sprites in Winv2. That is why it doesn't work, yet V2kj's does.
It is not wrong to not understand, for we are all ignorant, but neither is understanding pointless.
Posted on 2002-04-15 06:09:27
Heh, thanks for the info and help Omni. Thank god I only did 1 map in V2k+j. ;p But the V2k+j's method of forcing a palette into 128 colors, eliminating the old Verge palette (which I still use to make all my char files, oddly enough, I do love Verge's palette for character design) was at least a step towards making SNES transitions easier for tile ripping. Guess a little coloration is all that has to change. Thanks again bro.
Posted on 2002-04-15 17:46:34
Somebody download my tile movement system, and comment on it, darn it! :)
It is not wrong to not understand, for we are all ignorant, but neither is understanding pointless.
Posted on 2002-04-15 19:24:10
Displaying 1-6 of 6 total.