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Ok, I'm just starting out and I need some help. When I try to run Verge I get a message that's like this, "Could not open CHR file player.chr." what does it mean and how do I fix it??? (I'm stupid, by the way.)

Posted on 2001-07-03 02:07:58


Fairly simple. There's something wrong with player.chr
Let's look at the possibilites shall we
1). It can't find player.chr
2). player.chr is in the wrong format(depends what program your using to make it, the version of verge your using...and so on)
3). you made a reference to a nonexistant chr. (being that player.chr is kind of a generic name. I assume that you maybe copied some vc code and forgot to relace it with your own??? that's just my guess)
4). I hope you know what a chr is.
5). I have no idea.

Hope a helped in one way or an other, and not confuse you half to death.

Posted on 2001-07-03 03:20:54


OK, I made it with ACE, which was for V1 but I converted it with CHRCONV and I still have no idea what's wrong.

Que Sera Sera

Posted on 2001-07-03 03:30:25


Is it still giving you the same error message? "Cannot find player.chr"? If so try downloading v2chr by Rane. That should give you a working v2 chr no problem without having to bother with chrconv.

I won't be suprised if you get more error messages, because v2 has a tendency to do that to newbies.

Also, for more reliable help I suggest you go to #vchelp on espernet on IRC. If you don't know what irc is, go to and download mirc. Once you get it you should be able to figure out how to connect to one of the espernet servers like ''.

- choris

Posted on 2001-07-03 09:12:41


I've uploaded a zip that contains all the files you should need to run verge. Extract it into your directory that contains verge.exe, vcc.exe, maped.exe.

- choris

Posted on 2001-07-03 09:30:59


THANK YOU SO MUCH! That did the trick, but how can I change the sprite? Can you let me know of some kind of V2 sprite-maker/editor? I'd really appreciate it.

Que Sera Sera

Posted on 2001-07-03 11:14:16


OK, where can I find V2CHR by Rane??? I know Rane is a person, and I've seen stuff by him/her before, but where can I find it or it's exact address?

Que Sera Sera

Posted on 2001-07-03 11:53:12


No problem. I just wish some one had been as helpful to me when I started to use v2. If you need more help get on irc.

By the way, shouldn't we upload v2chr to v-rpg? Are you listening site administrators?

- choris

Posted on 2001-07-03 12:06:47


Thanks alot. That worked as soon as I saved my sprite as a V2 CHR. I was so excited to finally see her walking around! Thanks again!

Que Sera Sera

Posted on 2001-07-03 12:51:55

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