Problem with VergeWin on Windows XP
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I've been pidling around lately trying to get Verge to work on my computer. MapED is allright, but I haven't been able to get Verge to work.
I followed the directions in the tutorial here ( then after having problems switched the Verge.exe with the one in V6r2 as suggested in a different topic. (
Even after making a new system and map VC files with an autoexec (like in the vergesource newbie guide VergeWin gives the error, "No AutoExec() found in System Scripts".
Any ideas what this could be?

Another thing, does the V2.6r2 version support oversized sprites?

attempting newbie,

Posted on 2002-11-02 20:49:02


1. Verge-rpg tutorials were designed for DOS Verge originally. XP will only run the Winverge2 versions. You can search for them here, or you can get them at

2. Vergesource tutorials also haven't really been fleshed out for Winv2.

3. The Autoexec() must be a function of "void" type in your V2.6r2 will only work if you have this.

4. Any version of Verge supports oversized entities/sprites. It's just that the hotspot (the piece of the entity that tells where they are on the map (usually the 16x16 pixel block around the feet)) will always be 16x16, so if parts of your entity run off walls and through obstructions because it's too big and the hotspot is too small, it's a problem. That's why there aren't many oversized Verge sprites.

It is not wrong to not understand, for we are all ignorant, but neither is understanding pointless.

Come visit!

Posted on 2002-11-07 20:36:06

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